New Delhi: Bollywood stars Vidya Balan and Pratik Gandhi took to Instagram to share a cryptic post that has left fans buzzing with excitement and speculation. The post in question features a captivating image with a simple yet intriguing caption: “Do aur do milenge. Pyaar ke raaz khulenge! Tomorrow at 11 am, wait for it! ❤️”
Accompanying the text is an image that seems to be a mathematical equation, with the sum of two and two equating to a heart.
The message has made their fans excited about a possible project of the two actors. Fans wrote: “OMG is it your next film”, “so exciting”. Another user said: “can’t wait”, while one said: “new movie with Vidya Balan”.
The announcement will be made on Wednesday and fans are waiting eagerly for it anticipating it to be a movie together.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Vidya was last seen in ‘Neeyat’. Pratik was last seen in web series ‘Scoop’, and Gujarati movie ‘Vaahlam Jaao Ne’. He has ‘Phule’, ‘Dedh Bigha Zameen’, and ‘Woh Ladki Hai Kahaan?’ in the piepline.
In a career spanning two decades now, Vidya has essayed unconventional roles with great finesse in films such as ‘Parineeta’, ‘Bhoola Bhulaiya’, ‘Paa’, ‘Kahani’, ‘The Dirty Picture’, ‘Shakuntala Devi’, and ‘Shareni’, among others.
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