New Delhi: Kajol is feeling nostalgic about her old films. The actor recently shared pictures from ‘Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya’, her 1998 film, after announcing the re-release of her 1993 smash film ‘Baazigar’. Her co-stars Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, and Dharmendra from the Sohail Khan film are also seen in the pictures.
26 years of Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya
On Wednesday, Kajol posted three images from the 1998 romantic comedy on Instagram. In the first, she is seen peering into the eyes of Salman Khan, who is dressed in a black jacket and yellow T-shirt, while wearing a white salwar suit and pearl earrings. They both wear shy smiles as they seem to admire each other.
In the second still, Dharmendra is wearing a blue denim shirt, while Kajol is crying on his shoulder. In the movie, the veteran actor portrayed her father. In the third image, Kajol, donning a pink-orange salwar suit, is seen applying Tilak on Arbaaz’s forehead. Arbaaz is shown with long hair and a white kurta. In the film, Arbaaz portrayed her brother.
“When tying your hair in a plait was a symbol of an innocent girl (girl and tongue out emojis).” Kajol Devgan captioned her post.
She also added ’26 Years of Pyaar Kiya To Darna Kya’, in her caption.
Baazigar re-release
The iconic film ‘Baazigar’, starring Shah Rukh Khan, Kajol, and Shilpa Shetty, is about to be rereleased in theatres. Last Monday, Kajol posted a poster of ‘Baazigar’ with the three actors on her Instagram account.
“Flashback to a time when magic unfolded on the silver screen! Inviting you to relive those moments at our Retro Film Festival with the iconic Bollywood classic – “Baazigar.” (video camera and sparkle emojis) As someone who had the privilege to bring this magic to life, I’m thrilled to join you in this nostalgic journey. Let’s celebrate the timeless era of Bollywood together!” She wrote alongside her post.